There are MANY things I’ve learned in my 6 years of blogging, but knowing what’s going to be popular one year vs the next isn’t one of them. While I can’t say I’m surprised by the ones that are on this list, I also wanted to showcase some additional favorites I launched this year that didn’t make the top list.
I look forward to seeing what you find inspiring and pin in 2017!

Top 10 Posts of 2016 (Launched this year):
Elf Ideas For a 3 Year Old – I’m pleasantly surprised to see this was my number 1 post launched in 2016 that’s part of this list, especially since it only went live in November! I guess lots of parents want to plan ahead and have this elf thing figured out! Don’t worry, I’m already working on my Elf Ideas for a 4 year old post for next year. YES – I’m getting THAT far ahead of the game! Oh and PS this wasn’t even my most popular elf post as the Elf Ideas for a 2 year old post was clicked on WAYYYY more this season! Pin them all for ideas for next year!

Body After Baby Belly Bandit Post Pregnancy Band Review – Nope, not all women come home from the hospital having lost all the baby weight and bounce right back into a bikini. In fact at 16 months post par tum I’m telling you that’s still not the case. But here’s a recap of my experience with the Belly Bandit after Hailey and why I would recommend one to a friend!

Count the Waves Canvas Art – Before sharing the full reveal of Hailey’s Under the Sea themed nursery, I did individual posts showcasing the decorative projects I made for her room. This was the most popular of those I shared in 2016 and is now available to be customized and ordered as a printable in your colors of choice! Click on the post link to learn more on how I made this and what customizing options there are for your nursery.

Easter Bunny Cake – My mom used to make a bunny cake design and this year I gave it a shot with some fun pastel M&Ms to decorate! Check out how to make this happy guy from a round cake pan!

DIY Lottery Wreath – Shocked to see another November post make the top 10 but I guess lots of you were looking for a quick and easy gift to make any (over 18) person on your gift list! Find the full tutorial and free printable tag on the post! Wouldn’t this tag be great for St. Patrick’s Day too?

Top 10 Favorite Toddler Items for a 2 year old – I can honestly say that these items are still some of her and her sister’s favorite things they play with daily! And don’t worry, mommas, I’m already taking note and working on one for 3 year olds!

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Toddler Girls – Maybe everyone was interested in filling their stockings this season or maybe everyone wanted a chance to win some awesome free labels from Either way, you had an interest in checking this out, as my third November post that was a hit in 2016!

DIY Punch Box – This August we hosted our first joint birthday party for my birthday twins and you guys seemed really interested in this DIY Punch Box tutorial! The kids loved it and us parents loved that no one fought over a flying pinata since everyone got a turn!

Seashell Growth Chart – Just like I had made for Brielle’s nursery, I shared this custom painted growth chart made for Hailey’s nursery and you guys were as obsessed over the ombre trend as I was!

Winter Mitten Sun catchers – Our love of contact paper crafts was strong this year with these winter mitten sun catchers being shared in February!
Additional Favorite Posts launched in 2016:
And since this is MY blog and I can do what I want, I also wanted to share a few of MY favorites complete this year that didn’t quite make the top 10 cut, but are worth a second view.

Organized Garage Tour – Tis the season for wanting to get organized right?

Cross Stitch Family Portrait – This started a new crafting trend for me in 2016 that is still going strong with some projects currently in the works! I worked up a few holiday gifts for the tree and another framed one to share in the coming months!

DIY Pig Costumes for Toddlers – Aren’t these piggies just the cutest?

Monster Brownies – This edible craft activity made me realize my 3 year old could do more than I thought! After having this little session with my niece, us moms have been rolling in more craft activities with these two, including the gingerbread houses we made only a few weeks ago! I have more edible craft plans for them in 2017!

DIY Doll Terrarium – Yep, the creepiest (yet easiest) Halloween thing I’ve ever made! It was one of the many cool projects I worked on for other sites this year and hope to share more of those fun creations with you next year!
See ya in the new year! (chuckle chuckle. dad joke)
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