Without Brielle, I wouldn’t be sharing all the parenting content I’ve learned over the past two years. Just as I did last August 21st, I’m celebrating my little miss’s birthday with a fun recap on how much she’s grown this past year with her many blog appearances!

Brielle was outdoors often, enjoying traditional toddler activities in our backyard or family friendly events, like her first Nascar race this past May!

She expanded her artistic abilities trying out watercolors, salt dough ornaments, and yet more fingerpainting creations!

She even introduced her cousins to the fun of sun catcher crafts and contact paper play!

She helped our family make a big announcement!

She was the cutest little strawberry you ever saw this Halloween!

She helped with many of our product testing opportunities, including modeling her Carters Spring wear, safely sleeping in her HALO Early Walker Sleepsack, and sampling the yummy Shari’s Berries on Mother’s Day!

We’re so happy to have you in our life! Happy 2nd Birthday Brielle!
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