As what seemed like a LONG winter due to all the snowstorms and being stuck in the house a few times, I got sick of looking at my cheery “hey come on and let it snow” 10 minute garland hung on my newly made over front entrance mirror. I decided to update it for the next holiday with the help of my trusty crafting assistant, Brielle.
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Brielle is no stranger to the resist projects, having already finger painted a Father’s Day frame for Derek last year and a birthday card for him in November. It was time to try out the good old crayon resist with a watercoloring technique – a new medium for her!

When I brought out her black smock, this girl got super happy. She must love crafting as much as her mommy! I took my white crayon and drew some decorative Easter egg shapes on paper. For paint, we used this simple dollar store watercolor set I had but upgraded to a different paintbrush for Brielle’s playtime.

At first, she didn’t know what to expect. I added some water to each of the colors in the set and showed her how to dip the paintbrush in the paint and add it to the paper. I’m sure she didn’t notice the crayon resist working right away on her first swipe but I was glad to see it appear! She took her time to explore the colors and see what they did on the paper.

When I started to see that she needed more water I dipped the brush in and added it to the paint.

The water cup became intriguing! Soon that was the thing she wanted to play with most! I let her “clean” her brush several times, allowing her to add the dirty paint water to her egg followed by some extra paint from the kit – hey a wet on wet technique!

After some playtime she had covered most of the egg shapes so we set them down the dry. This was when she realized how messy she got which had her frozen while I got the wet wipes!

After some thorough drying time, I cut around all the shapes, punched a hole up top and strung each egg on baker’s twine.

These watercolored eggs now don our front entrance, welcoming guests to a future Easter season instead of encouraging these relentless snowstorms!
Here, little miss was proud to stand by her newest creations displayed in our home!
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