Get ready to make St. Patrick’s Day a little more special with a set of leprechaun shoes sticking out of your treat!

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I’m proud to say that I made everything you see in this photo! I have been working to add more recipes to the mix for the last few years as part of my Forty Before 40 and these cupcakes are made using two new recipes for Vanilla Cupcakes (which I doubled) and Vanilla Buttercream Frosting. They were both delicious but MAN is there a lot of butter in buttercream!

Anyway, back to the leprechaun shoes! This printable sheet includes 12 shoes on one sheet, shown in two different color styles. Simply print, cut and tape to a toothpick to be inserted in your food of choice for St. Patrick’s Day.

Insert into cupcakes for a St. Patrick’s Day party or donuts before the parade. Either way, the leprechaun shoes make it extra sweet!

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