As a crafter, I know how long it takes to make some handmade gifts. Items I receive need more than the few minutes of love I can give it, so I’m happy to post these Handmade Gifts posts that showcase great handmade cards or gifts I have received.
I can’t believe I’m already at the 24th post in this series! And YES it includes more handmade blankets. But wouldn’t you know it, we LOVE OUR HANDMADE BLANKETS in this house! We use them ALL THE TIME! In the car, at other people’s house, the stroller, in bed, on the floor in ALL of our rooms in our split level home. Our laundry is always full of these and they are well loved. So thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make these beautiful creations. Ok… onto the post!
This beautifully patterned blanket is thanks to SOTD contributor and my bestie, Allie! When visiting in December, she gifted this fun designed blanket to Hailey as a welcome gift!
I love that she knows me so well and knows that I love different color patterns for the girls and not just always pink!
Don’t get me wrong, pink will always be in the life of my girls! As a girl mom, I sometimes like to mix it up. Those of you who follow me on instagram already saw a version of this next shot. It was taken one afternoon when Brielle woke up from her nap and I put Hailey in the crib to welcome her awake. They both thought it was hilarious.
This blanket was made by Courtney to welcome Hailey to the family but Brielle has taken a liking to it and stole it! (I’m sure it’s only the first of many things they will steal from one another. I mean hey, Hailey did take Brielle’s only birthday as a shared date!) Brielle loves to sleep with this blanket which she calls her “warm towel!” Thanks again Courtney!

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