Last Christmas Eve we went over to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s house to share with them that we were pregnant. Little did we know that the news that our family was expanding was bigger than we thought! We told them we were expecting and I was 6 weeks along and after a few [pregnant] pauses, they stared at each other then revealed that they were 8 weeks along! Since then, we watched our bellies grow together and were excited to know that our children would grow up very close, both in age and distance.

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Since our little ones would only be under three months their first Halloween, I suggested an easy DIY couples costume idea to take part in the Halloween tradition without breaking the bank: Dr. Seuss’ Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Cat in the Hat.

- Red Onesies and Pants (not pictured)
- Avery Shipping Labels
- Blue Headband (purchased at Michaels)
- Satin Fabric (purchased at Hobby Lobby
- Tulle (purchased at Walmart)
- Silver Clips (purchased at Walmart)
- Needle and Thread (not pictured)
- Decorative Brad (not pictured, mine was from K&Company’s Amy Butler line)
- Small pieces of felt (not pictured)
- Candle (not pictured)
- Scissors

1. To make the headband, first cut concentric squares out of the satin fabric. Cut a slit on the center of each side, as shown.

2. Hold the square fabric near a candle. DO NOT get too close as you will burn or light your fabric on fire! When you get close to the flame, you will see that the heat curls the edges to form petals.

3. Do this for all pieces.

4. Layer each of your pieces on top of one another (I used about 5 pieces per flower). Use a decorative brad or button in the center of the flower. Sew the satin petals together with some round shapes of tulle and attach to a small piece of felt to become more stable.

5. Sew this floral piece onto the silver clip to wear.

Once the flower was complete, we clipped it onto a blue crochet headband. Luckily this pack from Michaels came as a two pack, and with a coupon only cost $1.50 for two! The above photo is my adorable niece showing off the headband.
I printed the “Thing 1” and “Thing 2” designs on an address label sheet and cut to shape. We peeled the sticker and added it onto a red onesie for a complete costume!

Here’s a little family shot from the night, with hubby in the famous striped hat!
And because everyone loves some baby blooper shots, here are a few other cute ones of the girls together:

See what Brielle was at her 2nd Halloween!

And her third Halloween (along with her sister!)

Her fourth Halloween she went as a pig, like her sister!
Too cute! I thought the Thing 1 & 2 designs were going to be iron-ons. Stickers are even easier when you need them for just one event — so smart. And I think I recognize that hat from years ago….!!!!
Oh my goodness, I saw the twins on Blissful and Domestic and just had to come by- they are soooo cute and I love the Suess inspired costumes! I am a fourth generation twin, and fully expect to have twins one day. Hope y’all had a great Halloween!
Oops, they’re not twins, but they are still stink in’ cute!