Father’s Day is almost here so you best get crafting for the big guy!
This project is by no means something new to the creative world, but with a dad who is part owner in a brewery, I had to make my version of this DIY classic featuring his beer!
I started with a set cardboard holders.
Then I grabbed my craft assistant. Hailey helped me out with this one, picking which ones she thought would look best on a coaster.
I cut a 4×4 cardstock square as a template and laid it on the boxes, trying to find a unique cropped view of these beer carriers. I really liked the ones where things were skewed and not centered best.
Lots of versions I’ve seen always use white tiles but with a brand that heavily uses black, I decided to go with black tiles. The 4 ¼ x 4 ¼ coasters I got didn’t have all black edges so I grabbed my Americana acrylic paint and painted the edges real quick before the next step – decoupaging.
Apply a layer of decoupage on the back of the cardboard and center on the tile. Allow about ten minutes to dry. Make sure to push down all edges during this process so nothing curls up.
Apply another thin layer of decoupage on top of the tiles and allow to dry. Repeat this a few more times with a few more layers.
Since these are items that are likely to have wetness from dipping/condensation, I finished the fronts with two layers of Polyacrylic we had left over from Brielle’s dresser makeover.
I allowed for a full day to dry in between layers, mostly because I didn’t have time to work on these!
TIP: Anytime you have to apply paint or a coating to the edge of an item, it’s best to do it on a raised surface so it doesn’t stick to the newspaper or protective surface. I had these little wooden blocks which worked perfect for my coasters.
To finish them, I adhered a piece of felt on the back of the tiles so they wouldn’t scratch tabletops. I had a large sheet of orange left over from their Halloween costume crafting so orange it was!
I think these came out pretty great. They are a bit time consuming, just because of the layers of decoupage, but by no means a hard craft to complete!
Cheers to Father’s Day!
Need a few more DIY ideas for dad?
How about a sticker resist painting project made by baby?
Or a “like father, like son” photobook?
Or make dear old dad a cake made of soda or beer cans!
And those with little ones looking to start a tradition for Father’s Day, don’t forget to check out this post!

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