When looking to dress up Harry Potter Hogwarts costumes look to add a few DIY accessories! Learn how to create an aged Hogwarts text book and wand follow this tutorial!

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Long time followers will know that this is my oldest daughter’s 11th Halloween year and until now I’ve DIY’ed all her costumes!

From the cutest strawberry, sweet Minion, and ferocious cheetah, she’s worn an assortment of costumes over the years. If you’re interested in seeing her costumes of the past, you can see them all here!

This year when she and her Harry Potter reading sister made mention that they’d want to be Hermione or Hogwarts characters, and I looked the cheap Hogwarts costume price, I thought for $17.50, it was about time I just gave in and got the caped outfit.

But upon receiving it, we realized it didn’t come with accessories! Enter my DIY Halloween costume making skills and I was ready to add more to make them a member of Gryffindor! First up were the wands!

DIY Hogwarts Costume wand supplies:
- Sticks (I made several in case a few broke at all the pre-Halloween activities)
- Acrylic Paint
- Hot Glue
- Utlity Knife

First, search for thick enough sticks that are not too long, which will mimic the look of those seen in the movie. Carefully use an utility knife to remove the bark from the sticks.

Use hot glue to “draw” shapes on the sticks. Think knobby shapes, spirals and areas to create grips.

Once the hot glue is cooled, use an assortment of acrylic paints to cover the sticks. Tip: use a metallic paint on the raised accents to really make them look shiny!

To create these Hogwarts textbooks, I first looked up list of short named resource books used in the Harry Potter series and settled on “Modern Magical History” and “Magical Theory.” The girls then made their own books using plastic bug toys, cardboard letters, and paper towels the same steps of these DIY Spell Books. They were so proud of their work and love how aged these pieces look!

Now they are ready to practice their “Wingardium Leviosa” levitation and “Expecto Patronum” spells this Halloween!

I’m happy to have both these Hogwarts costume accessory options at the ready as I’m not totally sure if the wand is considered a “weapon” and therefore not allowed at school. At least we know they can’t say no to them carrying a book as part of their costume for the Halloween parade!
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