Tracking down a book of magic spells may be easier than you think: you can DIY your own! Turn ordinary thrifted books and cheap accents into a fun Halloween table accessories with some basic materials already in your craft closet!

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While this post is new to my blog, I actually created these books years ago for a no longer live site. And these books are still looking great as part of my seasonal holiday decor!

DIY Spell Book Supplies:
- Hard cover book
- Decoupage
- Black and gold acrylic paint
- Paper Towels, Tissue Paper or Napkins (and small bowl of water to dampen them)
- Misc. Accessories (decorative metal accents, thumbtacks, somewhat flat trinkets, cardstock or foam stickers)
- Hot Glue Gun

Remove any book jackets. Arrange miscellaneous accessories on book covers as desired. Use hot glue to adhere in place.
You can also use hot glue to “draw” designs on the book front, such as spider webs or even adding dimension to letters.

Apply a coat of decoupage glue over the whole surface of the book including the layered items. Glue down dampened paper towels, tissue paper or napkins onto the whole dimensional book. It’s ok if they rip or are wrinkled. That’s the look you want!
Apply another layer of decoupage glue on top and allow to dry overnight. Tip: don’t forget the spine or open the book and do both the front and back covers!

Once thoroughly dry, apply a coat of black paint over the whole book.

Once dry, add accents of gold paint on the book using a dry brushed technique. Tip: less is more for this step. Add more gold paint onto raised surfaces and only a light layer on flatter areas. This really gives these DIY Spell books an aged look.

By now your original flat book is unrecognizable!

These Spell Books make the perfect accessory to your Halloween decor for a party or just because!

I’ve also seen these made as a girls night out activity as someone’s home. Everyone comes home with a fun spell book or accessory for their home for Halloween! This would also be fun for a Hocus Pocus viewing party activity!

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