DISCLOSURE: I was provided products from Mio Skincare to support this post but know that it was something I already used and enjoyed during my first pregnancy! Also note that some of the links in this post contain affiliate links. To learn more about my affiliates, please review my disclosure policy here.
They say every pregnancy is different and I have already found that to be true. This time around those early morning sickness filled weeks were not spent lying in bed or taking naps whenever I could and I couldn’t ask Derek to lift all the heavy things in the house. Nope I had a 16 month old, 20 pound toddler that needed me to lift her, play with her and take care of her all day long.
Being a parent while growing a tiny human is not the only difference this time around. While I am focused on the same restrictive diet (I CANNOT wait to have a ham and cheese sandwich again), and hope to get as much exercise once the weather warms up, there are a few things I am doing different with number two:
- Treating myself to a better night’s sleep with a pregnancy pillow. The first time around I thought I could just use some extra pillows we had in the house to help fluff and keep this belly comfy all night. NOT THE CASE! I’m already a bad sleeper and one who normally sleeps on my stomach so having the limitation of not sleeping in my most favorite position did me in. Luckily since finding out we were expecting before Christmas, Santa heard my request for a pregnancy pillow for pregnancy number two and got me the Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow. I’ve been using it since 15 weeks and love to cocoon myself up in at night! I think it’ll come in handy once this belly is much bigger!
- Pay attention to my salt intake. I’ve NEVER had as much of a problem with swollen ankles or feeling dehydrated as I did when pregnant with Brielle. It took me a while to figure out that salt had a lot to do with both those things. I plan to watch my salt and elevate those feet if they do start swelling up!
- Take better care of my feet. I’m one of those girls would could live in flip flops all summer long. They’re cheap, easy to put on and they come in a million colors and styles. But the pregnant me really needs to take care of her feet. I plan to invest in some more supportive (yet cute) summer footwear this time around and wear them whenever I can.
- Using belly cream earlier and more often. Once my belly started stretching the first time around it ITCHED LIKE CRAZY! I immediately went to get some sketch mark cream but I hated the smell of a certain cocoa brand. Luckily when registering at Buy Buy Baby, I received a free sample of Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter so I gave that a try. Not only did it feel great on my skin to help soothe the itchy stretched skin feeling, it wasn’t greasy and it SMELLED awesome! This time around, I am using my Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter more often and earlier in the pregnancy to help stop the itchy feeling you get from your skin stretching.
- Worry less. I know this is easier said than done but since I already went through this pregnancy thing, I feel like I know a little more on what to expect along the way. The normal pregnancy/parenting worries are still there, just less.
- Investing in a hands free bra for pumping. Ok this is more for when baby is actually here but I’m a planner so I’m thinking about this now. I predict I’ll have my hands full with watching a toddler and a newborn so having my hands free will be helpful. Luckily I found a Medela hands free bra on clearance at Target so I’m all set with one pumping bra!
- Buying less maternity clothes. This seems pretty obvious since I’m on pregnancy #2, especially since they happened in the EXACT same seasons. I already have most of the basics needed to last the full time of the early winter months with no bump to the hot summer ones with a full belly. I still may invest in a few extra basics I loved, like another pair of maternity shorts, a belly band and maternity leggings (my favorite were from H&M).
I reached out the great folks at Mio Skincare telling them about my love of their Tummy Rub Butter during my first pregnancy and how I planned to use it for my second. They generously provided me with the above collection of pregnancy related pampering items and I’ve loved trying them all out! Not only am I continuing to use the Tummy Rub Butter I loved the first time around, I am also now applying the other items as needed. Their Goodbye Stretch Marks has another beautiful smell I enjoy and I feel like I can feel the Gorgeous Glow facial wash really working to clean my face as I use it! As noted on the packaging of these items, these can also be used for post partum care. The Pregnancy Boob Tube can be used for breastfeeding mommas and the Tummy Rub Oil can help your skin when shrinking back down. I will be getting good use from this collection during and after pregnancy!
Learn more about the full line of pregnancy products from Mio Skincare on their website, Facebook, or Twitter!
The folks at Mio Skincare want to shower one lucky pregnant Spot of Tea Designs reader with a Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter, my pregnancy belly cream of choice! To enter, complete the Rafflecopter form below (or mobile users enter here Rafflecopter Giveaway) before April 13th!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations, Tara! So glad I saw your post on Pinterest!
Thanks Becky! :)