Forget the store bought Valentines and pass out one of these unique printable classroom valentines to your friends this year! Whether you go the non-candy approach to give them a useful item, like a pencil, or a thread a candy stick through, these classroom Valentines are all happy holders of your little goodie!

If your schools are like ours, then there are big restrictions on what you can bring in to exchange with friends for Valentine’s Day.

In their daycare, they couldn’t being ANYTHING except a flat card due to choking hazards, that lead us to come up with these fun spin art Valentine’s and You are my sunshine painted designs.
Since Brielle moved up to public elementary school the restrictions are a little less but they still don’t want candy passed out. Instead I came up with these cute, and of course pun filled, classroom Valentines that can grab hold to a colorful pencil. And in kindergarten, that is actually a really exciting thing to receive!

These pirate pencil holder classroom Valentines are sure to be a hit with those who love the scallywags of the sea.

Simply slice along the dotted line and slide a pencil inside to become the flagpole for this pirate flag!

Make these polar friends hold a flag made of a crazy straw, pencil or lollipop!

How about some happy donut friends to brighten your classmates day?

Puppy lovers are sure to smile when seeing these classroom Valentines that are doggone awesome! Again, simply print, trim to size and slice a line around the dotted line on either side of the dog’s mouth to make it look like it’s holding the pencil. (Or you can easily swap out the pencil for a lollipop!) Both blue and pink designs come for one price so you can print as many as you need in whichever color you need!

These owl themed pencil holders will be a hoot in the classroom!
Many of these printable classroom Valentines designs are available in my Etsy shop and once you have the file you can print as many as you want!
Check out these other Classroom Valentine’s ideas:

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