Instead of exchanging store bought Valentine’s Day cards, consider handmaking your own with the kids! Break out your acrylic paint to have an interactive crafting day making spin art Valentine’s Day cards to exchange in the classroom this season.

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We LOVE to craft in this house and lately we’ve been on a spin art kick!

To create these spin art Valentine’s Day cards you need:
- spin art machine
- cardstock cut to the size that fits the machine
- acrylic paint
- scissors
- paper doilies and gluestick (optional)
Due to choking hazard and allergies my daughters’ daycare have a very strict policy in regards to what you can bring in, including Valentine’s Day. You’re not allowed to bring in anything but a flat Valentine’s Day card. Nothing with stickers or tape. We made two styles of these cards, one of which that’s totally flat and others that are attached to doilies to mail to friends.

Because we were making Valentine’s Day cards for both girls’ classrooms we broke this up into a few different creative sessions, each with a different color palette. They can only make so many in one session before getting distracted, as toddlers do!
The girls got to drip and drop paint onto the paper to create colorful spin art designs.

Once dried, I bent them in half slightly and cut into a heart shape.

I think this collection came out so cute and the girls are super excited to pass them out on Valentine’s Day.
Brielle will personalize the back of the flat ones for school writing only who they are from and as Brielle’s teacher says “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”
Please tag me if you create some of these interactive spin art Valentine’s with your kids!

Need more handmade Valentine’s Day card ideas? Check out the ones we made in the past:

Love Bugs handprint/Footprint cards with free printable template

Sunshine Valentine’s with free printable

Bee Mine handprint/footprint Valentine’s

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