Back in January, I published my 2016 goals, which included house projects, and a few weeks later I shared my top 10 Rookie Home Decorating Mistakes. This half bathroom, or powder room as I’m calling it here (#fancypants), were included in both posts!
First let’s review the issues with this room and why we were making it over. I also want to apologize on the not so stellar shots but this room was hard to shoot and no time seemed to bring the best lighting.
The owners before us painted vertical stripes on the wall. We often got compliments on this since many fessed to touching the wall to see that it actually wasn’t wallpaper, but paint. We lived with it for 6 years but we were never fans so it had to go.
The vanity under the sink was open so not only ugly but also a safety hazard when you have little kids in the home.
The tiny glass shelf over the toilet was useless, especially since Derek often uses this bathroom mirror to get ready in the morning and needed more storage for his manly toiletries.
The hardware was all a shiny silver, of which we were not fans, and the mirror was a tilted style that never seemed to stay put.
Derek got motivated during the blizzard at the end of January and we were on our way to a long awaited bathroom makeover! Just a few shorts weeks later, our new bathroom was complete and back in working order!
See the full reveal of our pretty powder room here!

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