Christmas is a fun season to decorate your home and especially your mantle! Check out one plaid Christmas mantle made using handmade items, DIY creations and mini accessories for the Target dollar spot.

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Like most homes, our living room is the hub of relaxation and family time in our home. It’s right off our kitchen and where the biggest TV is it’s our spot for our new Friday night family movie night tradition we started during the pandemic and don’t plan to stop it any time soon. It’s also where our big Christmas tree stands and now where our plaid Christmas mantle lives!

Our living room couch is from Raymour Flannigan and includes a few black and white plaid accent pillows. It became a good jumping point for a little plaid Christmas mantle this year where I added in a few pops of red.

The centerpiece of this plaid Christmas mantle is the DIY home sweet home sign I created on…. a piece of black foam core!

I’ve seen so many cute round wood signs this season, but I wanted to create something to play off the 2020 year and knew it couldn’t be used future years. Instead I created this items using wrapping paper and adhesive vinyl on the black foam core circle.

Tip: regular transfer tape wouldn’t work to apply vinyl to this black foam core and wrapping paper surface as it would tear. Instead I used a low tack option in my craft closet and went with contact paper. My scraper tool was still keep to get the vinyl on but I had no problems with paper tearing!

To make it look a little more finished, I used 2 beaded necklaces I cut apart hot glued around the outside.

The other main focus of this plaid Christmas mantle are the two silhouettes I created of my girls!

I haven’t made one of them in a few years so I was due for an update and something I could have in my home. Both stood still for their photo and I was able to create these framed pieces using my new favorite scripty font! I shared the quick process on my instagram if you love a good process video.

I’m still available to create individual or group ones for your family as holiday gifts. Check out all the details, including how to take the best pictures on my listing.

I bought two pairs of these little Target dollar spot luminaries for a total of $10.

The foam core pieces in back are all covered with My Mind’s Eye Wrapping paper and party accessories already in my collection. Literally I’m calling this my $10 plaid Christmas mantle!
Other ways I’ve dressed this mantle:

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