Check out the steps made to complete this picture frame makeover using white spray paint!

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A while back, Derek’s Gramma was in the process of trying to sell her house to officially become a full time snowbird in Florida. Upon cleaning out her place, she was eager to share stories about all the items inside including this framed image of the town in Germany where her father was from. He came to America and became a barber because… that’s what his mom told him to do. I love black and white photos and family history so when she asked if we wanted it, I said YES!

We took the frame and all. While the gold color of the frame itself doesn’t really go with our décor, I loved the beaded detail around the outside. It just needed a face lift! That’s when my collection of Krylon spray paints came into play.

I had received this set of spray paints a while back and already used the shimmer metallic pink one to create the monthly photo frames for Brielle’s Pinwheel first birthday.

I’ve been waiting for the right project to come along to use that beautiful Krylon Colormaster white and this was it!

On a fall day (yes I’ve been holding onto this post for a while huh) my lovely hubby assistant helped me out to complete the makeover. Once again I caught Derek reading the directions on the can before using it. Good boy!

Here he’s giving it a light spray. Make that SEVERAL light sprays. We learned our lesson on our first spray paint project and worked with lots of light layers instead of fewer thicker ones.

After drying overnight (not needed according to the directions, but just how our timing worked out), I popped the glass back in front, replaced the yellowed mat with a new crisp double mat and laid in my newly printed photo with better contrast.

My picture frame makeover was done! Doesn’t it look great? I’m so happy with how it came out. It now sits in our newly redone office which is a great loop showing how far Derek’s family have come!

UPDATE: Check out this home office makeover now!
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