When it comes to a backyard vegetable garden, a fence is important, but so is a functioning gate! See how we added this key element, plus a DIY cucumber trellis to help grow a growing cucumber plant!

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If you’re new here, make sure to check out the first two posts about our journey in building a backyard vegetable garden and the fence around it.

At the time of those posts, we had not yet added the gate to the front of the garden nor had we put any plants inside so we were still in prep mode. As the time grew near to put our seedlings in the ground, Derek got to work finishing up the gate.

These are the gate latch and (2) 6″ tee hinges we purchased for the gate. Derek also purchased a pocket hole jig to hide all the screws. This is literally going to be his new favorite toy. I just know it.

The gate is 36″ wide by 45″ tall and includes an X shape on the inside. Just like the fence, we used the same combo of garden fence and poultry netting to hopefully block any neighborhood bunnies from coming to enjoy our garden!

We dug out some more of the grass in the front so it could easily swing open and closed, but we plan to add more poultry netting on the bottom and cover it with some gravel there to make it easier for mowing/weed wacking.

Then, on Mother’s Day, he got to work building the last component to our garden structure, the cucumber trellis. This is the layout we decided on, with hinges on top so it could sit over two rows of cucumbers.

These are the hinges we bought for the top of the trellis.

We were able to use left over fencing stapled onto the screen areas themselves, which have wide holes for the cucumber to hopefully grow up.

The girls were so excited to show off their Mother’s Day gift and my cucumber plants look happy to be there!

We’ve since added our seedlings, plus some other store bought starter plants and now we’re hoping to continue to water and watch these puppies grow!

The girls also moved their fairy gardens into the corners and added some of their painted rocks from their Rock Painting kit in the beds. Yep, that rock painted like a pizza is perfect for our raised bed that holds both basil and tomatoes!

Next steps in our backyard garden:
- Gravel for under the gate area
- DIY Plant Markers – UPDATE: I added these nice black ones and personalized them with my Cricut!
- Garden Sign – I haven’t decided yet what type of sign but think something cute should be added for more personality.

UPDATE: I eventually added a flower bed around the outer edge!
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