This summer I was craving a craft project that I could pick up and put down and something that would be totally cute in my home when complete. I succeeded when creating my first custom cross stitch family portrait!

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While I don’t consider myself a beginner sewer, it’s been a LONG TIME since used the skill for something that required precision and math. I hemmed and hawed over buying something as I really figured I could do this on my own since I was a graphic designer! Instead of wasting too much time trying to figure it out, I bit the bullet and I purchased what seemed to be best customizing cross stitch portrait books, Do-It-yourself Stitch People by Elizabeth Dabczynski-Bean. I’m so glad I did!!
First, I want to state that while this post includes an Amazon affiliate link, this is NOT a sponsored post by the author or publisher. I wanted to share this helpful book for any crafters out there who might be looking for a cute craft concept for their home or to begin working on holiday gifts! (Because spoiler alert, that’s what I’m doing!)

Do you like my little family pattern? This part is almost frameable by itself, don’t you think?

TIP: I actually laminated mine with some contact paper so I was able to roll it up and keep it with my craft as I worked on it at home or on a car ride without risk of it tearing!

This was an in progress shot (in horrible lighting as I was working on this at night, sorry). It basically shows my cross stitch E.T. family. #baldfamily

And here’s the final shot. I originally sketched out my pattern with “The Nehil Family” but only used a 2 square height, not 4. As I started stitching it I realized the font was SOOOO tiny at only 2 squares. Instead, I changed it to “Nehils” at the last minute. Learn from my mistake and make it a 4 square height! (PS You’ll know what I’m talking about when you get the book!)

Overall, it was really fun to get back to my hands-on crafting roots and work on a creative project with such a personal and cute outcome. I HIGHLY recommend Elizabeth’s book as an initial reference to get you started in cross stitch and as a continued reference to create endless custom portraits. (It does include pets for those of you who have them!) Bonus: when you get your book, you get access to an online portal with additional designs she’s added since publishing the book!

Oh and this frame? I loved the distressed ones I made for my family gallery wall that I had to make two more to fit in the entertainment center over the TV.
Come see what other cross stitch designs I’ve done as gifts both in frames and hoops:

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So cute!!!!