It’s candy cane season! Instead of just taping it to the front of a gift box, using a fun Joy to the World printable candy cane holder to dress up this edible treat!

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This blog is not new to candy cane crafts! I LOVE me a good printable to hold this holiday classic treat and I know my followers are too!

I especially love when the candy cane works in so easily with the design which all began with this holly jolly lollipop holder printable!

Welcome the newest installment of a candy cane design – Joy to the World Candy Cane Holder which features a little snip of this classic holiday carol! This design would be great to gift to fellow Sunday School or CCD class friends once sliding a candy cane through to create the “J” in “joy”.

Just print this Joy to the World design, use a craft knife to create cut slits to slide the candy cane in and use a pen to personalize it for your friend! It works great with the classic red and white peppermint design, or slip any flavor or color pattern inside!

And if you’re feeling adventurous make sure to print out a set of the candy cane taste test to experience all the flavors they now offer during the holiday season!
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Your designs are great. I can:;t wait to making some new Christmas cards. The first one will be your Joy card with the candy cane!
Thanks for the compliments! I’m happy to help you spread more holiday cheer! :)