First, I apologize in advance for the horrible photography skills shown here. I think the lighting is just weird inside our house. Anyway, we jumped the gun and started decorating our house the week before Thanksgiving. I just couldn’t wait anymore! :) I took out the items bought from years past, bought a few new items and also handmade some others!
Project 1: I had bought this ornament hanger from Ikea last year. It came in both white and black. I bought the white was still thought it was a little too bright. This year I bought this card wall decor wreath from Home Decorators to show off all our holiday cards. (I’ll be sure to post an end of the season photo with all the cards inside!). The card wreath was gold and the hanger was white. It didnt’ go with the “silver and red” color palete I was envisioning. (before – note card wreath is not in position here, only leaning on the wall)

In came spray paint! I spray painted both the hanger and card wreath with silver matte paint so they matched some other items on the table. Also notice a few items that were originally on the table are no longer there but moved into a new location to be shown later. Taking the Martha Stewart “less is more” concept. I love the funky red reindeer. He was a fun find from Home Goods (heart that store!). I’ll be sure to take a picture of the card wreath once it’s all filled up by holiday mail!

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