One week ago I welcomed the newest and youngest Spot of Tea Designs contributor… my second daughter! For those who love to read a birth story, here’s the condensed timeline of a now popular date in our household:
After a fun day celebrating Brielle’s actual birthday, which included some water play fun and an ice cream cake, we put our officially two year old to bed to settle down for the night. That was 7pm. At 7:20pm, my 40 week and 4 day belly had its first contraction. By 10:30 they were at the 5-1-1 timeframe so we made the (uncomfortable) 20 minute trek to the hospital. Upon being checked in I was at 8cm and told I was probably not going to be an epidural. Crying, screaming and an unplanned unmedicated labor continues for me.
At 11:50pm Hailey made her entrance to the world, making it a shared birthday with her older sister! The girl just didn’t want to wait the extra ten minutes to make it a separate day. Everyone thinks it’s so special and cool but I’m not convinced. Yes, one birthday party when they’re young but I’m sure there will be issues on a shared date when they’re older. We shall see!
Please excuse any lapse in communication or weak social media sharing over the next few days/weeks until we settle into a new routine as a family of four. Luckily I was able to schedule a few posts ahead of time and received help from some great family and friends who are sharing some fun content with my readers!

Congratulations! You always did like things orderly! My children were about two years and three weeks apart, so I know you will have your hands full for a while, but they will grow up close enough to be playmates and friends. Happy for all of you!
Thanks for the positive vibes! One week and the baby is the easy one lately :)
First & Foremost Congratulations to you & the family!! That’s amazing!! I had natural births with my first & started natural with my second until I needed an emergency C-section :(
I think it’s amazing that they share the same birthday (as they’re young lol) but I agree with you that once they get older, it may be a little different. Enjoy and Congrats again!! :)
Thanks so much for the congrats! I now have so much more respect for women who CHOOSE to do the natural birth vs ones like myself that were dealt those cards. Still in shock I was able to do it! :)
Congrats to you and your family!
I think the shared birthday is very cool. There were three sisters in my dance class when I was little (NOT triplets) with the same birthday and I thought it was the coolest thing at the time. I guess I never had to share a birthday myself, but I’m sure you will find a way to make it special for both girls!
Congrats again and I KNOW you will make their shared birthdays very special and unique.
A belated but oh so thrilled congratulations to all four of you! Sending lots of love to your family and special hugs for Hailey and big sister Brielle. What wonderful adventures await! :-)