The Christmas Elf season is here and so are all the stressed out parents trying to make this thing fun! Stop stressing and instead turn to this easy guide to Elf Ideas for a 6 year old! From free printable activity sheets to hiding places that will make them laugh, print out this schedule and follow along to make this season fun for your little kindergartner or first grader!

In case you’re discovering this series for the first time, know that I’ve been sharing my Elf Ideas by age for the last 4 years! Many include ideas that are not age specific, especially the hiding ideas, so make sure to check them all out for more ideas.

Grab the free printable above for my Elf ideas for a 6 year old and then print out all the others and get ready for the elf season! You can find all my elf ideas including free printables here!
- Elf arrives with the book – I don’t follow the printable schedule day by day, by any means, but I do stick to two days as the same activities every year. On the first day, the elf brings the book, which help reiterates the concept for the season.
- Elf gifts new Pajamas – And on Christmas Eve, the elf comes with a set of new PJs to wear that night thus guaranteeing Christmas present opening photos in fresh pajamas!
- Make a trail. Grab a bag of pom poms or other small items and make a trail that leads to where the Elf is hiding. Tip: don’t choose something that hurts to walk on, like Legos!
- Make a toy block house. Build a little house out of blocks or their toys and stuff that Elf inside. Bonus points: add something Christmas-y on it!
- Candy cane-ize something. Wrap a red ribbon around a column, or pole or even the broom handle in the kitchen! Kids will get a giggle seeing the Elf make something a little more festive.
- Special message on the mirror. Use window markers, shaving cream or window cling gels from the dollar store to decorate the bathroom mirror!
- Gingerbread house. This is not my idea but one I saw on Instagram last year (sorry I forget which account as I usually like to give credit!) Use 3 piece of bread to form a house and put a bottle of ginger spice inside.
- Hide and seek. Find all the cups, jars, or buckets in your toy collection and turn them all face down. Put a special treat under one. Put a sign near the Elf directing them to play hide and seek to find the prize.
- Hang upside down. Fold elf’s feet over a chandelier and tie them together to make it look like they’re hanging from a chandelier.
- Spell it out. Use a letterboard or chalkboard to write out a little joke, phrase or message to your child.
- Tie Tac Toe. Stage a game between the elf and a stuffed friend using painter’s tape and assorted toys or candies playing the game.
- Elf trail mix. Let elf gift your child a snack cup full of dried snacks and maybe a few treats mixed in.
- Coloring book. Have the elf holding a crayon coloring a page in a coloring book. Bonus points for it being a new coloring book!
- The floor is lava! Attach the elf to the wall (of course, with painter’s tape) and a message saying the floor is lava. Stage your pillows, blankets or furniture in a fun way to encourage the lava game across the room!
- Name that tune. Grab the free printables and see how to stage your elf to play out the Christmas songs shared.
- Balloon bathtub – Have any extra balloons lying around from their last birthday party? Blow them up and throw them in the tub. Add the elf nearby and watch the giggles when they see it in the morning!

- Secret code printable activity sheet – Download this free printable and use the code key to find out what message the elf is trying to tell your child!
- Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt – Looking at Christmas lights is fun but this printable from Just What We Eat makes it even more fun!
- Rainbow Water lineup – Grab some tall glass vases and fill them with different colors of the rainbow. Leave a dropper or small cup and encourage some color theory play!
- Make Christmas potions with baking soda and vinegar – Friends Art Lab is always big on the baking soda and vinegar play so give it a try this Christmas! Tip: include dish soap in the mix to make it more fluffy!

- Christmas I spy printable – Download this free printable and let them practice their basic counting skills to identify how many of each object is on the sheet. This is another great one to sit at their table one weekend morning breakfast to occupy them as they are waking up.

- Bring treats for friends – Bake cookies or pass out candy as a sweet surprise for friends or neighbors. No time to bake? Print these Holly Jolly candy cane holders personalize with a pen and slip a candy cane through! Idea: consider this concept as a random act of kindness and bring the treats to the fire house or police headquarters!
- Letter to Santa. – Have your child use the free printable left by the elf to write their wishlist to Santa!

- “How big is it” measurement activity – Yet another free printable available for you to send your child on a hunt around the home measuring items.
And make sure to Tag me on instagram and see the antics ours gets into this year!

If you’re looking for some gift ideas for your 6 year old, check out this list of our favorite products for this age!
More FREE elf printables:

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