6 and 7 year olds are just starting the process of building their math skills, starting with number recognition, tally marks, counting by 5s and eventually addition and subtraction. If your 7 year old is still an Elf believer, treat them to a fun activity sheet that helps them practice their math skills. Leave this for them one morning so they can do it after breakfast or save until after school.

My girls LOVE when our Elf, Margo, brought them a craft, activity or special treat in the morning. This year with a second grader at home, I wanted to mix the magic of the holiday season with an activity that will help her practice her skills.

This sneaky elf, Margo, will be bringing this color by number math activity sheet one slow (probably weekend) morning.

The sheet includes areas where the user must first use their basic addition and subtraction skills to solve the math problem. This is great for a first grader!

Then they can grab their crayons or colored pencils and color each block in the designated color.
The sheet mixes basic addition and math skills between numbers 1 – 20, so chances are, with help, some younger kids might also be able to complete this activity. In the end, a reindeer design will be revealed and you’ll know they were practicing math without them even knowing!

This activity sheet is part of the Elf ideas for a 7 year old printable schedule full of lots of ideas!
Tag me on instagram if you end up taking part in this one to see all the antics our elf gets in!
If you love activity sheets like these, make sure to check out the other free printable activity sheets your elf on the shelf can bring this season:

Link doesn’t work. But I wish it did!
Appreciate the heads up that the link was broken. I just fixed it!