Send off your elementary school students with a new t-shirt and goodies using these digital files! Show the end of an era with the “Graduation Checkoff” t-shirt checking off Elementary School and a sweet treat with the “Peace Out” Elementary School printable tag attached.

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In our town’s school system our elementary school ends at 4th grade so my oldest is celebrating her last year of elementary school!

It seems like it was just yesterday that she was a little cubby cheeked kindergartner getting dropped off to class and since then she’s lived through quite a rough elementary school experience with the last few years of lockdown/virtual learning situations.

While she has been rocking her “Class of 2031” shirts on the last day of school the last 4 years, I thought I’d design a new version for her this year! Introducing the Graduation Checkoff T-shirt made with iron on vinyl.

You too can create this shirt for your elementary, middle school, high school or college graduate as I offer all version of “check offs” and graduation years through 2060 in this listing! See more on this Graduation Checkoff design here.

The last day of elementary school wouldn’t be complete without something sweet. This “Peace out elementary school” printable tag features a playful paper airplane on a lined notebook paper and is perfect for elementary school graduation gifts for friends.

So pair this graduation T-shirt with some graduation treats and your child will have a blast on their last day of elementary school!
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