If you’re on Pinterest then there’s no doubt you’ve seen the many common ways that people have been documenting their pregnancy these days: holding the fruit that represents how big your little bean is, standing next to a chalkboard sign that says how many weeks you are, wearing a countdown t-shirt, or my personal favorite, wearing the same outfit in a weekly shot. Long before I became pregnant I came across this post from Merrick’s Art. She made a collage of weekly photos where she wore the same dress each time, but was flexible enough to arrange her stance, props or hairstyle differently.

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I loved this look and immediately thought of my grey and yellow Cole Haan dress I bought in Chicago on Allie’s bachelorette trip! Each week, I’d put on my dress, a skinny belt and rock my bump for a side shot taken mostly by Derek. I then cropped the photo and added a little weekly tag at the top and began my collection of my growing pregnancy belly.
At the same time, I also wanted to make sure to remember the stories, milestones and challenges I had throughout, to use as a reference for any future pregnancy experiences or to help relate to friends who would be going through the same thing. The day we found out we were pregnant, I started writing a pregnancy journal saved in my Google Docs. This allowed me to add and edit my comments and thoughts whether I was in bed nauseous in those first few weeks, or happily sitting with a round belly on my babymoon.

After receiving a formula sample kit from Similac, with a coupon inside for a free pregnancy journal photobook from Shutterfly, I put these two documentation styles together to create a book! While their pregnancy journal didn’t turn out to be free (I found out after chatting with their AWESOME customer service department that it was their storybook style format which is $4.99), I opted to still use it as a free code and made my own custom book to add and edit pages as I wished. Early pages included the ways in which we found out and how we shared with family and friends: Or documenting dueling pregnant bellies with family and the story on how we found out the gender: Later pages showed our family portraits and how I felt on a hot summer beach vacation or showcased some pictures of her nursery: The final pages included her birth story that I wrote out by the date/hour with the help of my documenting partner, Derek: And the last pages included those super cute photos of our little one in the hospital. Sure there are some TMI type messages for myself (yep, I went up a bra size at week 7) but it’s all part of our pregnancy experience and something that was important to state. I wanted to remember when I stopped feeling nauseous, when I felt her first kicks, and the actual story of her birth while it was fresh in my mind! I hope it comes in handy for any future pregnancy references for myself or my besties.
Tara, this is so very cool! What a great way to hold on to those memories before they’re too far in the past to recall. And someday Brielle will enjoy seeing the story! Thanks for sharing on your blog!
Thanks so much, Carla!
Hey Tara, I am following your blog on bloglovin, I hope u don’t mind! This is a really cute idea! I’m gonna have to book mark this for when it’s my turn!
Thanks for following, Gina! Glad it inspired you! :)
Such a sweet idea! Wish I would have done this with my boys…I took pictures but thats as far as I got! Someday when I have baby number 3 I’ll have to do this! Thanks so much for linking up to Homemade BY You! Hope to see you again!
Thanks for sharing. I wish I had thought to do weekly photos of my pregnancy. At least I have some maternity photos of myself taken a few weeks before I gave birth to my daughter.