Learn about the power of paint and how to turn old or thrifted dolls into a doll terrarium. Use these creepy doll designs as a centerpiece for your Halloween party or put it out on your porch with candles on Halloween night!

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If you tune into any horror flick these days, there tends to be some reoccurring themes – blood, gore, guts and a creepy kid or doll. Yes these normally innocent beings often turn eerie once the night comes to pass in these flicks. Consider making your own collection of these movie staples and design a DIY doll terrarium this Halloween season!

DIY Doll Terrarium Supplies:
- Dolls (thrift them or get from the dollar store or discount stores)
- White and Black Acrylic Paint
- Paint brushes
- Paint palette or paper plate
- Miscellaneous glassware – Jars, globe vases and candlestick stands

Collect your dolls. Remove any clothing and lay on a protected surface. If desired, pull apart legs, arms and heads from some dolls.
Paint body and face with a grey paint. Pull their hair away from their faces and add a few streaks of grey in there too.

Paint additional shades of grey all over the body parts. Apply darker greys around the eye sockets and paint the eyeballs black.

Once dry, mix and match heads and body parts in different pieces of glassware. The bigger the mismatch, the better!

Stuff them upside down, twist the heads and cram them into tight spaces.

Display with black cheesecloth and flameless candles for a creepier look!

- Keep a look out for old dolls at thrift stores or garage sales. If they already look dirty and worn from lots of play – EVEN BETTER!
- If you plan to use body parts of dolls, take them apart before painting so you can paint the joints.
- Take paint in your fingers and rub it in the hair to give it an aged look.
- Keep the clothes! Rip them up, get them dirty and include them within your display.
- To go a more gorey approach, add red paint to make bloody dolls!
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