You will paws-atively have a ball when rocking DIY Dalmatians group Halloween Costumes this fall! Whether you’re a softball team in a Halloween tournament or teacher group in school, this DIY costume idea is pawesome!

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Last fall, my youngest daughter’s 8u travel softball team was in a Halloween tournament. Fellow mom and crafty friend, who is also named Tara, and I were in charge of putting the team Halloween costumes together. After a vote of Minions vs Dalmations, we ended up going with Dalmations as the team costume.

Dalmatians Halloween Costume Supplies
- White Cotton T-shirt
- Black Heat Transfer Vinyl (tip: buy the BIG ROLLS of it for your group!)
- Cricut Maker
- Cricut Heat Press
- White Tutu (I purchased these as a set of 6)
- Black Pants (everyone already had these from our recreation league)
- Face Paint

I got the Gildan® Short Sleeve Youth T-Shirts at Joann ad Michaels for about $4 each. Be warned: this DIY costume is not a quick creation! Sure, the circles are easy to cut and weed, but there are a lot of them to press all over the shirt. We were basically pressing the shirt in 6 different places to cover the full areas, including the sleeves.

For coach costumes (of which I am not one, but just modeling it for Tara as a text) we pinned white felt ears to the inside of their hats and they flapped down as they coached. We also added vinyl black dots for these.

To complete the Dalmatians Halloween Costumes, we painted their noses and around one eye. This is what I had used from our Cheetah costumes, which is a good brand. They also sell an all black color if that’s all you need for your team. Aren’t they adorable?

The tournament didn’t have many teams, but would you be shocked to learn we were one of three teams dressed as Dalmatians?

We didn’t care as we were pawsatively having a ball, dressed up in a team costume on a beautiful fall day!

Here’s what we wore the next 2 years:

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