When it comes to birthday parties for girls, the unicorn party theme is one of the top trending themes of recent! These fantasy creatures often bring lots of sparkle and magic to a party theme and colorful unicorn party is no different! Come discover one colorful unicorn party filled with lots of glitter, sprinkles and pinterest worthy decorations!

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Meet Charlotte. She’s one lucky girl as she has a super woman for a mother.

Charlotte’s mom, Laura was a previously coworker of mine, whom I’ve known even before 7 year old Charlotte was here! Laura is super into spreadsheets and planning and now that she’s a mom, she’s super into creatively executed birthday parties! (can you tell why we get along?!). Not only is Laura an awesome mom and party planner, but she is also a the owner of a fun Etsy shop, Indigo Ink Boutique that creates customized printables for kids and parties. (You may remember her from this awesome post full of Etsy tips!) She put all her skills together to throw Charlotte a fun and colorful unicorn birthday party which she offered to share here today!

The theme was obvious from the moment people walked up the driveway.

Different displays were set up throughout the house with the colorful unicorn theme.

Guests could literally watch Charlotte grow up right before their eyes through the photo collection of her through the years.

Rainbow tableware helped make the party colorful! The centerpiece image here is a blown up version of the Unicorn print from Laura’s shop. If you don’t see the items in the sizes shown, ask! She does custom sizes all the time!

The dessert table was filled with lots of sparkle and rainbow magic!

Here’s the birthday girl!

Sprinkles are always a good idea when it comes to rainbow treats!

Laura’s parties are always a family affair, even getting her husband involved. They purchased white unicorns and he spray painted over 50 of them in gold glitter to use as decorations, favors and for the boxed invitations.

Even before being an Etsy shop owner herself, Laura loved Etsy! She bought these little jars from These Tiny Treasures Etsy Shop and every child, (and most adults too!) received one of this cute miniature Unicorn Magic bottles as favors when leaving.

Don’t forget about the entertainment! This party included pony rides, er I mean unicorn rides!

Be sure to check out my other Unicorn Party Printables post for more instant downloads to make your party magical!
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