Oh 2020. How you will forever be a year seeped into our memories! With all the record breaking historical things that happened, both good and bad, 2020 also brought plenty of fun memes, fashion choices and catch phrases. Take a look at some of the Christmas 2020 printables and crafts you can print or make at home!

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These reindeer candy cane holders were SUPER popular last year but with the “Oh Dear! What a year!” phrase and blue surgical masks added, they are now super trendy for Christmas 2020! I’ve also added a “Happy Holidays” version that’s included in that same listing for the same price!

I’ve expanded this offering and put it on printable gift card holders and gift tags so you can use them for ANYONE on your Christmas 2020 list!

There are most likely not going to be as may Ugly Sweater parties this year, since gatherings are being limited, but that doesn’t stop you from using the ugly sweater concept in your gifts!

These Christmas 2020 ugly sweater printables come in one listing but print in two different sizes. Use them as tags on holiday gifts you’re dropping off for a coworker, or add to toothpicks and turn them into food picks when you drop off some holiday treats!

For those who truly can’t get together but still want to connect can print out this Christmas printable bingo and play it over zoom! (And if you want to keep the fun going all year, I also have a rainbow bingo one that was popular back in April during the first wave!)

2020 – the year we stayed home sweet home is the perfect phrase to capture on a Christmas ornament. (This SVG cut file is available free!)

This look also makes a fun centerpiece for your holiday mantle! See how I made this one using black foam core.
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