You saw the title and I want to start off this post by saying I don’t want to push gender stereotypes or get into any type of debate on that front. There are plenty of girls who like sports, science, truck or playing in the dirt and boys who like crafts, cooking or playing with baby dolls. This post idea spurred from an innocent phrase said after viewing our family’s Easter photos. Exhibit A:

Our family of two girls wore florals and coordinating brighter colors. My sister’s family of 3 boys wore coordinating camo (Melanie even found a way to make camo look feminine with a black dress and camo leggings). We kept saying “girl mom vs. boy mom” and it got us to thinking what other differences there were between our families. Consider this a collaborative post as some other “boy” or “girl” moms hopped in with input!
GIRL MOM: Clothing options and themes change with the seasons. Florals for spring. Plaids for fall.
BOY MOM: The same themes and clothing items all year long. Construction trucks in winter. Construction trucks in summer.
GIRL MOM: Goes outside in fairly good weather. Sunshine please and over 50 a plus!
BOY MOM: Forced to go outside in ALL weather. Puddles are great. Snow is awesome. Wind? Who cares!
GIRL MOM: The random accessories their daughter may collect and you must help find include a purse, favorite lip gloss, or specific charm bracelet.
BOY MOM: Is hunting for the Spiderman mask, Superman cape or Bob the Builder tool belt for her little man.
GIRL MOM: Reminds their daughter to roll the ball in the house.
BOY MOM: Reminds their son to only throw the ball against a flat wall and not the tv.

GIRL MOM: Must remember the latest name for every baby doll in the house. (BTW above is Baby Hailey, actual baby Hailey, Baby and Baby Tiny respectively.)
BOY MOM: Must remember the name of different construction equipment, Transformers and types of dinosaurs.
GIRL MOM: Bodily noises are heard, giggled at and we try to move on.
BOY MOM: Is always listening to real and fake bodily noises made all day long.
GIRL MOM: Gets to sit and color with crayons which is an activity separate of art projects.
BOY MOM: Helps do art projects which require at least one of the following: cutting, gluing or painting.
GIRL MOM: Common phrases said “which headband do you want to wear today?”, “where’s your baby doll’s dress”, and “What’s in your purse?”
BOY MOM: Common phrases said “I just fed you!”, “What’s that smell?”, and “What’s all over your hands?”
What other GIRL MOM vs BOY MOM things have you seen in your families/playgroups?
Growing up with boys is a unique experience…I am a girl mom so Tara’s tales are mine too but I grew up with 4 brothers and there is a world of difference. Melanie, just wait…you will be known by first name at the local emergency room and have holes in the walls of many rooms in your house-just from rough housing!
hahaha I’d rather have the holes than the emergency room visits! Hope Mel doesn’t have much of both. Thanks for piping in Karen!
This is too funny and soo true… the best part for me is that I have the best of both worlds. One minute it’s “Where’s your doll’s clothes?” to turn around and say “What’s that smell?” and “Where are your clothes?”