Save this Teacher Appreciation Week and End of the School year idea for next year! These Beeing Awesome bee themed printables are perfect to thank your teacher for a fun school year, with a blue and yellow theme.

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Every year I love to gift our teachers a Target gift card along with some goodies for a job well done. This year I designed a bee printables that I paired with a blue and yellow theme to put the gift basket.

Gift cards are always great but I love to have a prettier placement for them than just the little envelope it comes with. These bee-ing awesome gift card printables come 2 to a page and easily slide into any 5×7 envelope.

Here’s what I included in this year’s end of the school basket:
- Handmade cards (the kids designed and wrote their own then I included my own additional thanks from a parent’s point of view)
- Mini wine (after school treat!)
- Face mask (everyone could use some relaxing self care!)
- Beeing Awesome Gift Card Holder with a Target gift card attached
- Little lemon bowls I spotted at Target
- Mini heart healthy trail mix packs

The whole thing was then wrapped up with a cellophane bag to keep it together and some paper shred inside to keep it all in a somewhat set shape.

I attached the Beeing Awesome tag outside to designate which basket was for which teacher since we have several in the school system.
If you’re looking for the true “Beeing Awesome” Teacher Appreciation Gift basket idea, here’s some things you could include:
- Locally grown honey
- Honey assortment packs
- Tea
- Beeswax Lip balm
- Brunch restaurant gift certificate
Need more ideas? Here are some of the gift baskets we’ve put together in the past:

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