It’s that time of the year again, Valentine’s Day season! I say season as the second Christmas products go away the red hearts come out to play! This year Brielle was ready more than ever to get her Valentine’s cards done for family and friends. It’s technically now her third year doing them as the first ones were done when she was a wee 5 months old:

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And her second ones last year involved plastic fork painting

This time around there was an extra pair of hands and feet in the Valentine’s crafting mix…Hailey’s! I decided to let both girls ask their family and friends to “Bee Mine” with a love bug themed footprint crafts. We are by no means the inventor of this design but know they will be uniquely loved by those that receive one of our versions!
We collected all the supplies (Finger Paint, oval punch, Squeeze Scissors, black construction paper and a gluestick) before naptime so we’d be ready when everyone was up and awake. Cutting, punching and gluing are three new craft techniques Brielle has recently come to love. In fact, I dare say that her scissors are literally her favorite present received as Christmas. That Santa is such a smart guy!

First step involved the footprint painting. Brielle was napping so I took the time to do Hailey’s first. This girl didn’t even care that I was tickling her feet with the sponge brush. She was all about the newspaper. I’m laughing here as she kept tearing at it as I painted.

Could care less that she was having her first mommy and me crafting session! This mom was just happy to have her Wireless Remote Shutter Release and Tripod to be able to capture and relive these sweet memories whether she was into it or not.

By the time Brielle woke up, Hailey’s side was dry so I was able to flip them over and add Brielle’s on. Unlike Hailey, she finds the brushing part very ticklish.

She was all into the footprint part but really wanted to paint with her hands. While these were drying I let her finger paint the envelopes.

Once she got cleaned up and our footprints were dry we needed to complete the design. She punched out some oval shapes from black paper that we then used the scissors to cut in half.

Once we had all the pieces ready, we assembled them with our gluestick and I drew some finishing details with a marker.

Brielle and Hailey were so proud of their Bee Mine cards and hope their friends will enjoy receiving them in the mail (especially since each card is double sided so they get both girl’s feet!

Tag me if you make these!
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