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Are you currently pregnant with baby #2 or trying for one and wanting to know more about the experience? Check out 10 lessons I learned in my second pregnancy!
Lesson #1: Each pregnancy could have different symptoms entirely. When pregnant with my first, I had heart burn, an itchy stomach, gas, needed naps often in the first trimester, and enjoyed a bunch of other pleasantries throughout the 40+ weeks. Pregnancy #2, however, I had very few of those first symptoms but instead was borderline anemic, had the beginning signs of pregnancy carpal tunnel, a scary dehydration afternoon and was growing a baby that measured weeks ahead of the planned timeline starting at week 30 (which turned out to be sunny side up and not a big baby!)
Lesson #2: Placenta position changes things. With my first, I had an anterior placenta which limited my ability to feel her kicks until later than normal. I didn’t feel that little miss until 21 weeks whereas in pregnancy #2 my placenta was positioned different and I was able to document her kicks around 16 weeks.
Lesson #3: Everything happens faster with subsequent pregnancies. I looked bigger sooner, felt kicks sooner, and time just flew by the second time around. I knew that my stomach would stretch out faster but I was just surprised at how quickly it did!
Lesson #4: Pregnancy pillows are worth the purchase. I’ve mentioned this before but I didn’t indulge in the popular pregnancy pillow trend for pregnancy #1 and I severely regretted it, especially at the end. Round 2 and I was lovingly gifted one by Derek at Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed its use throughout. Sure, it isn’t the magically cure for comforted sleep but I do attribute my Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow to a more comfortable sleep process.
Lesson #5: It’s important to take care of yourself. Duh this should be the case with any pregnancy but so much of my time during pregnancy #2 was spent caring for my toddler that I don’t feel like I focused on caring for myself as much as I probably should. Yes Brielle always had water or snacks when out and about but this preggo momma often had to share with her toddler as she forgot to pack something for herself! Twice I felt faint or had problems breathing which were both attributed to being dehydrated. Drink up ladies!
Lesson #6: Skin tags are common in pregnancy. I never had any before but got them (in my armpits of all places) while pregnant with #2. In reading up about it, it’s common during pregnancy (especially in armpits) due to the increase of hormones!
Lesson #7: Pregnancy insomnia is real! During my first pregnancy you could often find me bouncing on my birth ball at 3am while snacking on a string cheese. I just thought this insomnia I had developed was my anxious mind waiting for baby #1. But this same insomnia issue came back when pregnant with #2.
Lesson #8: The anticipation/fears/concerns of adding a new member to the family doesn’t change no matter how many you have. Instead of wondering how different our lifestyle would be as a couple vs a little family, with pregnancy #2 I had different fears/concerns over new sleep schedules we’d have to develop, how to balance my time and most immediately how I would heal from labor and delivery with a small toddler still needing my help most of the time.
Lesson #9: People ask very forward questions and make inappropriate comments to pregnant women. I know it was very obvious that I looked pregnant and not just overweight. I’m ok with that. But the “how much weight have you gained” question or “woah, twins?” comment from friends or strangers (which both happened this second pregnancy) are always a shocker! Never in another point in a woman’s life do people think they can ask these questions and not offend them so why now?
Lesson #10: Every prenatal appointment is an opportunity for news! At my 30 week appointment I learned I’m almost anemic. At my 38 week appointment I was informed that baby was in a “sunny side up” posterior position which would explain why I had been measuring big for weeks!
Will you be home with a newborn and a toddler? Make sure to check out my follow up posts with tips to preparing your toddler for a newborn, tips to surviving the first few weeks of this transition as a mommy of 2 and book suggestions you can give the big brother or sister to be to help understand what’s happening next!

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