Everyone is always looking for more series to binge or documentaries to get lost in. Today I’m sharing 10+ Documentaries You’ll Love to Stream that I’ve enjoyed on Netflix, Hulu or Disney+. See this quick list and grab your remote to start binging these doc!

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Some of you might be getting more screen time than ever, but for me, as someone who has worked from home the last 7 years, it’s not much different (besides being a part time teacher to my kids on their virtual days)! When the kids aren’t home, I usually have something playing on my computer in a picture in picture window or on the big screen as I work on social media copy, photo editing, or as I create for a client. Today’s post features the documentaries or docu-series I’ve watched and enjoyed so you know what to “add to my list” tonight. Note: they aren’t in order of ranking, but they do go from light hearted to more dark as you go down!
- The Toys that Made Us (Netflix) – Kids of the 70s/80s/90s will love this well done, fast paced documentary series about toy brands. Each episode focuses on different well loved brands, such as HeMan, Barbie, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. You’ll enjoy hearing about the history and rise of each of these brands with the designers, inventors, and marketing execs behind them. There are currently 12 episodes available to get lost in.
- The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story (Hulu) – Not only do you see the history of this historic kids’ network full of all things orange and slime, but you also get to see some interviews from the actors you knew and loved from the original shows that hit the air in the 90s. There are so many commercials and tv show clips shared in this documentary that fellow 30/40 year olds will probably remember from their young tv watching days. (1 hour 42 minutes)
- Speedcubers (Netflix) – If you haven’t noticed yet, my husband and I love toy documentaries. Here’s your third one to enjoy that goes a little different approach. This one documents the geniuses that participate in Rubix Cube solving competitions. It makes you want to grab a cube and get twisting and keep you in awe of their talents!
- The Pixar Story (Netflix) – I think we accidentally watched this one twice as it was THAT good! It’s all about Pixar’s rise to fame and the people behind it. It’s pretty nostalgic for those of us who remember Toy Story first hitting the movie theater.
- Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II (Disney+) – WOW! This one was so great! Even if you’re not a Frozen fan, fans who love the “how did they do that” aspect of things will really enjoy this documentary that showcases the process of releasing this soon to be Disney classic. You get a little glimpse of the actors doing voiceover work, the musicians who wrote the songs and lyrics, some of the process the animators use to develop characters, and the things they DIDN’T release and why. I’d say this is more for adults so it doesn’t “spoil the magic” but nothing in it is inappropriate for kids.
- Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom (Disney+) – This is a great documentary to watch with the kids! It features a behind the scenes view of many of the animals at Disney World and the zookeepers and veterinarians that care for them. There is currently only one season but I’m hoping for a second! Note: There are some animal surgeries shown but (spoiler!) everything comes out ok!
- Penguins (Disney+) – Super cute documentary of the year in the life of penguins! It’s voiced by Ed Helms and there’s plenty of humor and lots to learn. A great family movie!
- The Last Blockbuster (Netflix) – Yep there’s still one left on the planet and it’s in Bend, Oregon. Enjoy this trip down memory lane where you can learn about the history and the downfall of brand. Lots of cameos by celebrities either sharing their memories of this store turned Saturday night activity or of those who had worked in a Blockbuster in their hometown.
- The Last Dance (Netflix) – You don’t have to be a basketball or even a big sports fan to enjoy this well done documentary. It’s all about Michael Jordan’s rise to fame with lots of interviews of the players back in the day. Note: there is some swearing and discussion of the negative side of celebrity life so not young kid friendly. Derek and I watched it together so it’s more of adults only.
- Period End of a Sentence (Netflix) – This short documentary (only 25 minutes) features women in India who learn how to operate a machine that creates sanitary pads which is not easily accessible to them where they live. It’s an eye opener on the different levels of living and education on female health throughout the world.
- Dark Tourist (Netflix) – David Farrier is a New Zealand journalist who visits different places in the world which are known for dark and macabre celebrations and curiosities. Some episodes share culture rituals that seem outside the norm while others focus on people who celebrate things related to darkness and death. He has a light hearted way of looking at all these situations and you’ll enjoy his take and humor was thrusted into these unusual situations.
- American Murder: The Family Next Door (Netflix) – UGH the theme of this type of documentary (a multiple murder) is so cringey to watch but also one of those “you can’t look away” type things. It’s all about the disappearance and death of Shannon Watts which starts from the second the police officer comes to the family’s door wearing his body cam and goes through the whole process in how they got a confession.
- Don’t F**k with Cats (Netflix) – This is a multiple episode series about a horrific internet video about cats that ends with a bit of justice. It really features the lengths internet fans can go to research and figure out things all without leaving the house.
Do you have any other documentaries to suggest?
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