If you’re like us, then you might open your dishwasher and forgot if the dishes inside were clean or dirty. Make a DIY Dishwasher indicator so you never get confused again!

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I am a very lucky girl. My husband loves to clean and keep things organized. And he doesn’t mind (in fact, I secretly think he likes) doing the dishes. I KNOW. I told you, I’m a lucky girl :)
Sometimes he’ll do the dishes and set up the dishwasher at night and in my morning haze, I open the dishwasher before seeing if that little “clean” button is lit up. Even if you closely examining the contents, sometimes it’s just hard to tell if they were clean or dirty! Instead this had been our solution once we set the dishwasher to a cleaning cycle:

Yep. Writing “clean” on some freebie sticky note pad. We replace the note when it gets wet, dirty or non sticky, but we know this really isn’t the best solution. I’ve seen dozens of those “dishwasher indicator magnets” (like this basic one or this funny pirate themed one or or this one fit for anyone with a teenage in the home) but our dishwasher is not magnetic! We needed a better solution. Luckily, I had this:

An old set of Scrabble tiles salvaged from a house cleanout at Derek’s Gramma’s back in October. I saved the pieces knowing I’d find something to do with them and this was just the right use!

With a little hot glue, our DIY Dishwasher “cleaned” indicator is now in full use for our playful family! Don’t you just love a good recycling solution?
Tara, this is absolutely brilliant! We have the same situation, AND I’ve been saving old Scrabble tiles! Now I know exactly what to do with them!
I’m glad I inspired you! :)