Does anyone remember the OLD line from YEARS ago – Jolee’s By You? It was a line that came out before I worked there so at least 2003 or earlier. It was an assortment of paper crafted embellishments, much like their well known Jolee’s Boutique stickers but they didn’t have adhesive on them. So you can’t really call them “stickers” as much as embellishments.
Anyway I had a bunch of the party hat themed ones from a warehouse sale that were in need of being used in a cute way! I dug through my collection of licensed character stickers and pulled out this foursome from the Peanuts comic strip. Together they made four new birthday cards for my really low stash of birthday cards. Yay stash blasters!
Supplies: patterned paper: October afternoon | embellishment: Jolee’s by You | Stamps: EK Success | Misc: Eyelets

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