Moms can all agree on two things: we love our kids but we also love me time! I’ve recently had the chance to have a few Mom’s Nights Out and even a few solo trips to Target (aka vacation) which spurred up the conversations on what we moms look forward to most with our me time.
In honor of Mother’s Day coming up, I polled some mom friends to share top things they look forward to on a mom’s night out. (HINT: some of these things would make great Mother’s Day gifts or just babysit so they can experience them!)
- Beer. A girly drink. Wine. Might as well start with the obvious – mom’s miss having an adult beverage! (My “Mommy’s Time Out” free printable seen above is available here!)
- Hot food. Or more specifically hot soup! And taking your time to eat it at a restaurant. Oh and going to a restaurant!
- Wearing whatever you want! Well to a degree, of course. But not having to worry about bending over to pick up a crawling baby, sitting on the floor next to a toddler or having an easy access to nursing top is a plus for mom to wear dresses, skirts or cute tops!
- Carrying a clutch, purse or anything smaller than a diaper bag.
- Music choices in the car ride. Goodbye toddler tunes, hello Linkin Park!
- Using the restroom without an audience.
- Wearing jewelry. There’s no one to grab at the necklace around your neck! (Make mom a bird’s nest necklace!)
- Eating at the same time as everyone else. Going on a date with hubby or having dinner with a friend without kids means enjoying your food at the same time as them instead of taking turns to eat.
- Adult conversation or one that doesn’t involve a million interruptions.
- Going into whatever stores you want and however many you want. Everyone knows places like Sephora are not ones you can frequent with a grabby toddler in tow! And you’re able to run in and out of a bunch fairly quickly since you don’t have to do the old buckle/unbuckle of car seats.
- Parking in a pull through spot since you don’t have to worry about opening the trunk to get a stroller out.
What else do you look forward to with Mom “me” time?

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