When thinking up a gift basket idea for the holidays, consider a snow theme or lean on a white and blue color palette! This Thanks Snow Much printable gift card holder is the perfect touch to complete this holiday gift!

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If you ask any teacher what they want for the holidays, I bet most will say gift cards! They can only have so many candles and mugs! This year, like all years, I gifted my daughters’ teachers a Target Gift Card, but also like in years past, I gifted it as part of a mini gift basket!

I saw this adorable snowman themed gift card at Target and knew it would match perfectly with the little snowman character I had already designed! I went with the oh so pun filled “Thanks So Much” phrase and this Happy Holidays themed gift card holder was complete!

I stretched this Thanks Snow Much theme a little further with a few more pieces that are either snow themed or blue and white in nature (which also happens to be their school colors)!

Cadbury Mini Snow Balls are Cadbury Mini Eggs for the holiday season and OH SO YUMMY for anyone needing a chocolate fix.
The slim can koozie personalized with the school mascot is perfect for those after school snack opportunities, and YES I slipped a mini bottle of wine inside!

Each girl wrote a “to/from” message which I then traced and added it to the back of the glittered ornament with vinyl. We’ve done this for a few years now and I love the hint of school pride with their mascot, plus the personalized touch from their student.

The Thanks So Much gift card holder and this Target gift card is the perfect addition to finish the snowy theme for a teacher, bus driver, or coworker. Plus with a “Happy Holidays” message, it’s holiday neutral for those who might not celebrate Christmas and perfect for a teacher gift.
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