Tis the season for thanking those in your life for the awesome things they do and the ways they support you during the year. Brielle has been in daycare only a few months but has come to have a good bond with her teachers, Miss Beth and Miss Barb.
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We wanted to thank them for having a hand in helping her grow so I put together a little hand themed gift. And since a holiday wouldn’t be complete without a craft to go with the gift, we worked up one of Brielle’s famous finger painting crafts to accompany the design: a handprint wreath!

We used two greens from our Crayola Fingerpaints Bold and Secondary Colors packs and had a fun finger painted morning.

To create the handprint wreath, I traced her hand on a piece of paper to make a template then turned over the dried finger painted papers and used the template to trace several hands. I also made a ring out of green paper as the base.

Of course my little helper is always nearby as I try to grab any of these shots. :)

I cut out and assembled the handprint wreath, attached a ribbon and hung it on a gift bag with a “Helping Hands” tags I designed.

Inside the bag we gifted them a few “hand” themed items like Purell, Wet Wipes, and gloves along with the ever popular Target giftcard. Because, really, what daycare teacher doesn’t want to wash their hands every two seconds and who can’t resist a trip to Target?

If you’re interested in recreating a handprint project to thank someone you know, you can download my “Helping Hands” tag design by clicking the image above!
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