No one wants to go to the pharmacy in the middle of the night to get something for a sick or distressed baby. Instead, think ahead and stock baby’s medicine cabinet with the items you may need during the first few months/weeks/year. Here’s what we included in ours for both our little ones!

DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post contain affiliate links, which come at no cost to you. Know that I only promote products I personally use and stand behind. To learn more about my affiliates, please review my disclosure policy.
I want to make sure to say that THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! Please ask your doctor before giving your baby any type of over the counter items, especially checking with them on things like dosage of Tylenol with the weight of your baby. This is merely a list of items we always have stocked in our baby’s medicine section and how/when they were used in our family’s situation.

Vicks Digital Thermometer – Sure the rectal thermometers are more accurate to get a reading but you don’t always want to get baby undressed to get a gauge on whether they just feel hot or actually have a temperature. Instead I use this one in those types of cases, getting an under the armpit reading. It beeps when it’s done with the reading and does this faster beep when it’s over 100.
Vicks Baby Rectal Thermometer – I’ve never actually used this but Derek has. Two tips I’ve heard: apply Vaseline before inserting and two: when it’s a newborn, watch out as sometimes this reading has a relaxing effect on this part of their body, if you know what I mean!
Infant’s Tylenol – We buy the dye free Up & Up brand from Target and Brielle readily takes it. In fact, she seems to really like the flavor and is always eager to have it when we have the dispenser out. During those crazy stretches of time when new teeth were coming in and bothering her every night, we’d give it to her before bed and it helped her sleep for a little longer before getting up due to an uncomfortable mouth. It has also been great for reducing a fever.
Motrin Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Infants’ Drops Concentrated – This was used for extreme teething (holy molars batman!) and when Brielle was sick with coxsackie virus when she was a year old. Note: Motrin works over an 6 hour window while Tylenol is only a 4 hour.
Hyland’s Homeopathic Teething Tablets – These babies are a life saver. I, of course, have never taken them myself but can speak to the power of their quick relief when watching Brielle consume them. When Brielle was dealing with some tough teething moments, we’d give her two teething tablets (as directed, dissolving them under her tongue) and it seemed that she was relieved of her pain within minutes.
Johnson’s Baby Powder – I know back in the day they used to use this powder for diaper changes but they since changed that recommendation in recent years. I’ve never used this powder on Brielle diaper area but instead we have this in our collection to include in our beach bag! Baby powder helps get sand off baby’s skin once they’re done with their sandy adventure.
Simply Saline Sterile Saline Nasal Mist Baby – When baby has a stuffy nose, spraying some of this saline solution in with the easy to apply nosal allows the stuffiness to get moist. This makes it easier to use any sort of respirator to clean it up.
Desitin Rapid Relief Creamy – Brielle hasn’t really been victim to too many diaper rashes but when she does, we’ve used this cream type and it’s been fine for her skin. Tip: Learn from Derek’s first application mistake and understand that “less is more.” Apply the cream when you already have a new diaper underneath them and ready to put on. When you have extra cream on your finger you’ll be able to wipe that on the clean, new diaper that’s ready to be applied so you aren’t stuck with cream filled hands and a squirming, half naked baby.
NoseFrida The Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator – Here’s the gist of this product: You put your mouth on one end and stick the other end of the tube in baby’s nose. Use your breath and suck out anything clogging that little one’s sniffer. It sounds more gross than it is since there’s a filter at the end so nothing will go in your mouth. While I say this, I have to confess that it’s one of these baby tools I personally have not experienced! Derek willingly uses this tool to help clear Brielle’s stuffy nose and Brielle doesn’t seem to mind Daddy using it on her. Read the reviews on Amazon and you’ll see how many moms stand behind this tool as their go to product for the stuffy nose issue, better than any aspirator!

Aveeno Baby Wash & Shampoo – This is our bath wash/shampoo of choice! It doesn’t have a fragrance but just makes baby smell CLEAN and it’s gentle on her skin. She loves to take bubble baths with it!
Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion – Brielle luckily has not gotten her daddy’s “not as awesome” skin and rarely needs lotion applied, except some harsh winter days. But when we do use it, we apply Aveeno Baby Lotion from this tube or the pump sitting in her diaper caddy area.
Johnson and Johnson Baby Oil – We only used this baby oil when Brielle had cradle cap in her very early days. We’d apply a TINY bit, let it soak in for a minute and comb her hair with a very fine brush we got from the hospital at her birth. It helped get rid of those unsightly flakes and clear up her cradle cap issue. If your baby has this common issue, go ahead and get a SMALL bottle of this as you barely use any in that process and ours was way too big of a container!
Neutrogena Pure and Free Baby Sunscreen – During the sunny days of spring and summer, we happily lathered Brielle up with Neutrogena baby sunscreen for her body and the special type just for her face. She never broke out from it’s application and also luckily never got a sunburn!
Wet Ones Fresh Scent Anti-Bacterial Wipes – We have a tub of these in our kitchen for use after meal times and a separate one in her room when needed to quickly clean up any odd messes. We also have smaller single packets in the car and our diaper bag for those on the go moments.

Boogie Wipes – I think the name is pretty self-explanatory but for winter colds with caked on snotty noses, these wipes really are the best! Forget using regular diaper wipes on baby’s nose. These are saline wipes and are extra soft to help clean up their face! Don’t forget to buy a pack to throw in your diaper bag as they make smaller travel sized cases as well are larger ones for home. Visit their website as they often had coupons available to print or find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
Not pictured:

Pedialyte – as recommended by our sister-in-law after my niece had a bout of a stomach virus one night, we kept a bottle of this on hand in case it happened to us late at night… which it did! Keep one at home for those nights when your toddler isn’t keeping anything down to help keep them hydrated until seeing a medical professional. In fact, you should check out this follow up post about caring for sick non speaking toddlers when the stomach virus hits your home so you can plan ahead!

Teethers – Since both my girls grow teeth like no one’s business, lots of my above recommendations are related to teeth! We always have Bright Starts Chill and Teethe in our fridge and freezer to numb their mouth when uncomfortable. They also both loved this Nuby Teethe-eez Soft Silicone Teether with Bristles, chewing on it’s gummy texture and enjoying it’s odd shape. I like this particular type as it came with a plastic case to throw it in the diaper bag and it didn’t need to be cold in order to comfort my little one. Find 5 things we use to soothe a teething baby here!
Nail Clippers – I’m still trying to find a pair that I actually like. We had one that was lit so you could see what you’re doing when clipping those TINY little nails but it recently broke and isn’t necessarily something I’d recommend for that reason. In any case, you do need clippers, and small baby nail files to maintain those little nails that seem to grow overnight!
Have you ever tried manicure scissors? My pediatrician recommended them for our newborn son, and they are way easier to use then nail clippers.
Thanks for the suggestion, Sue! I hadn’t used them before (and no longer need to as we’re out of the newborn phase) but hope others read your comment and check that out!