Summer is great for outdoor play but when it’s rainy or too hot to go outside, this household always turns to crafts for entertainment!
We recently whipped up yet another paper plate craft (since I have an overstock supply from all my party styling assignments) and made a sea turtle!
- Paper Plate
- Colorful tissue paper cut into squares
- Construction paper
- Googly eyes
- Gluestick
- Scissors
- Marker
- Tape
Brielle’s eyes light up with excitement when she gets a chance to cut. This time around I drew up legs, a tail and a head shape on construction paper with a marker and let her cut them out herself.
I was pretty impressed at how well she did! In the future I would definitely give more space between shapes to give her more room for mistakes.
Next, she rubbed the gluestick over the plate and added the tissue paper scraps, just like her paper plate fish craft. This time she wasn’t into squishing up the tissue paper and just wanted them flat. Fine by me, I let her do her thing.
To add the legs, tail and head, we used tape, a first for her. She did not understand how tape works. She didn’t get that it needs to touch two different surfaces to make it stick. I kept pointing where it needed to be but she was just happy to push it down to stick. Mom had to fix that part so they would stay.
Finally she added more gluestick to the head and stuck down the two eyes.
Our sea turtle was complete and she loved it!
She kept swooping him down like she was swimming around.
Oh and where was Hailey during all this crafting? Down below, much like where Brielle used to hang when I was crafting projects for her when she was a baby.
We’d love to see your sea turtle paper plate craft! If you end up making one, please tag me on social or send me an email! We’re always looking for more submissions to our reader’s feature! :)

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