When looking for a clever way to gift money for a birthday, consider rolling up the dollars to create a special card! This quick and easy handmade creation came together in no time and was the perfect way to surprise a 6 year old with a little cash. Check out the little tips to make your own!

I wanted to give my niece a gift card to her new local ice cream shop since they are enjoying their summer at their new beach house. When I went in to get it, they told me they don’t sell gift certificates! I then decided it was time to bring my handmade card skills back from the dead to make something that would achieve the same result.

Newcomers might not realize that the roots of this blog originally started with paper crafts, like scrapbooks and cards. Those crafts were very much my roots but since becoming a mom I put them on the back burning and have focused more on home décor and party creations that supported my jobs.

Back to the card! I realized one $10 bill and five $1 bills easily added up to 6 candles, the perfect amount to add to her 6th birthday card!

I rolled each one and put a little low tack tape on the back.

I used some 3D dots to add a little patterned paper as the cake, some gems as the candle flames and this quick and easy handmade card that gifted money was made!

If you don’t want to go the full crafty card approach, I also have printable Hoppy Birthday Money Huggers that work great for dollar bills of any denomination!
If you’re looking to go bigger, learn how to create this money cake gift that can be revised from a graduation seen here, to another gift giving reason!

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