Whether you’re looking for a fun way to host a virtual game with your friends and relatives over video chat or want to play a colorful party game during your rainbow or unicorn themed party, then play a round of the Printable Rainbow Bingo Game from Spot of Tea Designs.

We’re all stuck at home right now and looking for ways to connect with people! I’ve seen lots of people doing virtual game nights but we don’t have yet a stock of games that are universal and easily played in a virtual manner. I decided instead to design my own!

This rainbow bingo board is available as an instant downloads in my Etsy shop. It includes two PDF documents, one which has (24) caller cards and instructions, and the other which includes (10) different rainbow bingo cards so you can play with a slew of family or friends.

In this instance, during this Coronavirus situation I give permission, and even encourage you to purchase the file then email it to a fellow friend to print and play on their end. I respectfully ask that you do post it on any public forum. (For the sake of full transparency, know that with a online Etsy shop business that is all about party and school related printables is not doing well in this current climate since everyone is canceling parties so I appreciate every sale made more than ever!)
To play, put all the caller cards in an container and elect one player to be the caller. They will randomly choose a design and announce it to the group. If someone gets 5 in a row, they yell BINGO and win! Alternative game play: if someone fills the board, they win!

Not only did I print this bingo game on cardstock to help make it more sturdy but I actually went ahead and laminated our set using contact paper. I hope it will make this set last longer since there are still many days/weeks (months?) ahead on flattening the curve!

We recently tested this out via a ZOOM chat with Brielle and her three besties. I assigned each girl a different numbers board to make sure they didn’t play with the same configuration and they were able to play the game all on their own over video chat. It was nice to have an actual activity planned for them, as they had a hard time navigating the awkwardness of group chats the previous weeks and we know this might be the new normal for a while!

This rainbow bingo game can, of course, be played in person as well! It would make a great party game for those rainbow loving little girls who are always throwing a unicorn party or rainbow party!
If you download and play, tag me @spotofteadesigns! It would totally make my day!
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