Get ahead of the Christmas season and grab this ultimate Elf ideas printable kit of 24 printable sheets including activity sheets, hiding setups, activity setups, and schedules to keep you on task all December long!

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LONG time followers know that Elf season has been a big one in my house for many years! I’ve documented all the fun and games on my blog and my instagram.

I’ve been sharing our elf ideas since my oldest was 2 years old, where I first developed a free printable schedule so you can follow along using my elf ideas.

Since then, I’ve shared DOZENS of ideas, activity sheets, edible treats, hiding place setups, and activity setups. You can bounce around over 7 years worth of blog posts to find them OR you can go ahead and purchase this ultimate Elf kit from my etsy shop where they are all together in on easy download!

This kit includes the 6 years of printable schedules of ideas broken out by age from age 2 – 7 years old. Each printable schedule includes red text for activities the elf can set up (including many that are paired with printables in the kit) or green text for other “hiding” setups that you can do with things you already own in your home.

You’ll also receive 8 printable activity sheets which the elf can leave in the mornings or for after school to occupy the kids.

These sheets include creative projects, like designing their own ugly sweater or capturing the season with a Christmas Time Capsule. Update: All these printable sheets are now void of my website being listed on them so it can still stay a secret on who’s really behind the magic!

This package also includes activity sheets that focus on beginner skill building, like math, learning how to use a ruler with a measurement activity, and letter and number recognition. They’ll also do fun activities, like decoding secret codes and completing a Christmas themed scavenger hunt around the home.

Lastly this 24 page listing includes 10 printables to be used for more hiding setups and activities the elf can do December mornings.

Have fun with 2 bath time activities, play name that tune with printable tent cards, give the elf a voice with printable word bubbles, dress up your food with fun food picks and learn how to put on a color hunt or complete a crayon resist secret message with watercolor paints!
Grab this Printable Elf Activities Kit, print away, and get ready for December!
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