Have you been missing your besties through this whole pandemic year? Can’t wait to get together and have a drink to make up for all the drinks you missed? Check out this post vaccine gift idea you can drop off to let your friend know you’re thinking about them!

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I really hope that my long time readers know that I have obviously designed this gift with a little bit of humor in mind. I am personally not a big “let’s do shots” person, but sometimes it’s more about the gesture than the actual activity.

When this post goes live I will be on my way to get my second covid vaccine shot! I received the Pfizer shot a few weeks earlier and only had a little arm soreness the next day. Cross your fingers my post 2nd vaccine shot symptoms are similar or less the second time around.

If you’re looking for a fun way to welcome back hangouts after your covid vaccine shot, drop off a mini bottle of liquor (of a big bottle if you’re looking to party) with a Let’s Do Shots printable tag attached as a post vaccine gift. Print the document, trim to size, and tape onto your gift or punch a hole and tie it onto the bottle neck with some pretty ribbon.
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