We were very blessed at our September 22 wedding, to receive many gifts from family and friends.
As we already own a house and therefore we weren’t saving up for a down payment like most young couples, we decided to put some of the money towards home improvement and decorating efforts to make our house more home-y. As today is our 3 year House-i-versary (yep I make an anniversary for everything), I thought I’d share one of these home decorating updates.
Here’s our living room when we moved in 3 years ago:
We loved the open space, light woods and even the yellow paint! After spackling any holes and applying a similar color of paint, we began hunting and gathering our warm color palette of furniture and accent pieces to fill up the space. Here’s how the room looks today:

While I’m forever in the process of getting that “this random collection of stuff all matches yet each has a special meaning to us” look, I think we’re almost done decorating this space!
Our house was built in 1960, but the previous owners did a great job of gutting and refinishing it to the modern look you see today. This includes removing a wall from the living room to the dining room to make an open floor plan on this level:
It only left this one skinny wall that backs up to the kitchen fridge. It was always so bare, just waiting to be given some character.
We rearranged some furniture in the living room, and with the helpful two cents of our friend Jesse, plopped this Target console table here. On top we hung the “Nehil” frame given as a gift by my bridesmaids at my bridal shower, the frame used as my escort frame which is now filled with pictures from our wedding, and a wall decor “N” recently purchased on clearance from Grandin Road.
Where was this console table before, you ask? It was where we now have this brandy new Pier 1 buffet table, the perfect size and space to hold additional kitchen overflow and serve as our liquor cabinet.
Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my attempts at home decorating!
what a great space. love the curtains.