This Easter grab a bag of wacky flavored jelly beans you find in all the big box stores or pharmacy and play the Jelly Bean Taste Test using this printable game sheet!

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I’m back with yet another fun edible printable game your family is going to love! This taste test game is perfect for the spring Easter candy season and is a Jelly Bean Taste Test!

Just like my popular candy taste test that’s great for any candy theme and candy cane taste test which was well loved in the Christmas holiday season, the Jelly Bean taste test includes three printables to play. One master key for the printable game host, one scoring sheet for each player to use, and a page full of jelly bean flights for each player to sample the unique jelly bean flavors.

You can easily pair this game with a pair or two of those sometimes wacky, sometimes fruity or sometimes sour jelly bean varieties.

This would make a great game to play after opening all those eggs after the hunt or before Easter dinner.
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