It’s a magical season and what’s more magical than unicorns! Combine the spooky vibes of Halloween, the candy giving attitude of the holiday and the magical feeling of the mythical unicorn animal into one awesome printable for Halloween!

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Unicorns are all the rage for my daughters and I don’t see that love going anywhere anytime soon. I try to find clever ways to get unicorns in their life, like the rainbow unicorn tooth fairy pillow I made Brielle, and now with the Halloween lollipop holders I designed and added to my shop!

Like other lollipop holders I’d designed, these Halloween printables include a dotted line to signify a slice you need to cut with a craft knife. You can then easily slide in a lollipop, like these fun Mini Brights Twisty Lollipop designs that scream Halloween to me, and tape them in place on back.

These printables include a “Have a magical Halloween!” message, as well as, a big white area which can be personalized by the gift giver, if they want.

These Halloween lollipop holders would be perfect for Halloween night, a party, or even a trunk or treat event!
More Halloween printables:

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