I’m very excited today to bring you a guest post project of a different variety, a kid’s craft! My mom works in an elementary school and is surrounded by those age old kid’s crafting projects. But with the help of the internet, her classroom teacher is exploring other craft projects for the kids!
Today’s post is her classroom’s version of this Chinese Dragon Puppet that was made for Chinese New Years, just a few weeks ago. Take it away Miss M!
To make the dragon’s body, we stuck to just red solo cups, especially since Chinese New Year is known for the color red. Each child wrote their name on one side of the cup, we cut two slits in the bottom to slide the streamers through, and decorated the side closest to the rim with sequins.
The teachers decorated one cup for the head and added bunched up streamers to another cup to make a tail.
Altogether there were about 30 cups total and after it was fixed into place with yarn, it came to about 8 feet!
Thanks for sharing this great classroom project, Miss M!
almost forgot all about this project :)
Thank you for sharing this dragon craft…..we will be doing this in my classroom as soon as possible!