I’m excited to release today’s guest post! You might remember Allie, my first guest poster that made this adorable Handmade Owl Costume! She’s back again to give us a little background and take us on a tour of her new crafting space! Take it away Allie!
In college, Tara introduced me to scrapbooking and we would spend some nights sitting on the floor of her dorm room watching Trading Spaces on TLC. I was quickly hooked (to scrapbooking and home decorating).
Years later, I purchased a cape cod home. The upstairs had a great spot for a bonus crafting space! I purchased a bunch of those modular cubes from the craft stores to organize my materials and just like in college, I set out my old rug for my “seat” and crafted away.
Over time, I found that sitting on the floor, the lack of a tv for entertainment and feeling isolated from the rest of the house was no longer enjoyable and ultimately contributed to a slow down in crafting. Recently, I saw this post from Simple Kelly on Pinterest that inspired me to rethink my crafting area.
Step 1: Finding a new space!
For the last 2 years, I had been storing items for my brother and his now wife during their around-the-world tour in a spare room in my basement. When they came home and cleaned up this space, my fiance decided the wall between this room and the main living space on that level needed to go which produced this pocket of space:

We didn’t know what to do with the space, but we knew it wasn’t functional with the current basement layout. With all the thoughts about redoing my upstairs crafting space, I soon realized this basement area would make an even better crafting area!
Step 2: Remodeling!
As you can see, we painted the paneling and walls, hung some curtains and got right to work filling it with functional crafting furniture:

The white modular system I already had in my upstairs crafting space helped inspire the other furniture pieces and accessories:

Now I can craft away, especially for my upcoming wedding!
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