September often begins soccer mom life for many and thus the endless weekends at the field. When it’s your turn for snack duty, go the one and done approach and give each player a goody bag with water and treats. Continue that positive team spirit and good sportsmanship with a “Good Game” Soccer favor tag attached!

This fall both my girls are playing soccer, in two different divisions! Brielle played last year and already has a basic knowledge of the game but Hailey is a newbie and super excited to give it a try.

Like most parents I did my part to sign up to take over snack duty one Saturday and decided to make it easier on everyone and just go with the goody bag approach! This allows me to give out the snacks quickly and let everyone get on their way.

Each girl will be given a cellophane bag filled with Halloween shaped pretzels, fruit snacks and a mini water bottle and it will feel like a party on the field!

I made them all extra special with a “Good Game” soccer favor tag attached, leaving room for Brielle to personalize them for her teammates.

These soccer favor tags are now available in my etsy shop for instant download, allowing you to work on your snack duty assignments any hour of the day or night! There are 13 tags to a sheet so print as many as you need for all your future all stars.
UPDATE: I’ve now updated the file to include 2 pages for the same price! The first page has 13 “Good Game” tags while the 2nd page has 13 “Good Luck” tags. Use the good luck tags as a lunchbox note before a big game, attached to a snack for the team bus or in the locker room gifted by the coach!

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